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Saturday, November 23, 2024

Tree Planting Project in Tantramar, New Brunswick

Here's a post about another carbon sequestration project that we recently completed on behalf of one of our Sponsor Partners.  The tree planting work on this site in southeastern New Brunswick was done in the Spring of 2024.  The work was done at a large site on the side of the TransCanada Highway, just west of Sackville.  The planting on this site was entirely sponsored by One Tree Planted.


This site was harvested about a decade and a half ago, by a third party, and our goal was to help rebuild a new forest there.  The site is large and easily accessible, and might be a great site for a public park in the future.  It is fairly close to Sackville's Beech Hill Park, which has some nice recreation trails, and trails on this site could complement those that are already built in the area.

As noted, although we hope to provide future opportunities for public recreation on this site, the primary initial purpose of this project was to support climate stability through carbon sequestration.  As a side benefit, this site will support biodiversity and wildlife habitat.  There were already some healthy trees growing on this site (mostly balsam fir, white spruce, American beech, trembling aspen, red maple, and white birch) so we were able to plant at fairly low density, adding only 33,750 more trees (mostly eastern white pine seedlings) into open areas on this 121.8 acre site.  Diverse forests are healthy forests, and eastern white pine is an especially appealing native tree when considering possible negative future climate change scenarios.

Here are a few more photos taken during the planting of this project, which took place in late April of 2024:





You can see more photos of our tree planting work at this site by visiting our Planting Photos folder on Dropbox, then going into the "2024 Planting Photos" folder, then into the "Tantramar Rec Trails" sub-folder.  Start here:



We look forward to studying this site in the coming years.  We will be doing periodic surveys to assess the carbon capture progress of the new forest, and hope to start exploring the possibility of building recreational trails in 2027.

Again, a huge thanks to One Tree Planted, the sponsors and lead on this major project.


Thanks for reading!

- Jonathan Clark

Replant.ca Environmental is a Canadian company that plants trees for carbon capture and builds community forests.  We also plant trees in national, provincial, and municipal public parks to mitigate damage from wildfires, storms, insects, and forest diseases.  We operate thanks to numerous small contributions from the general public, in addition to larger project sponsorships from businesses and corporations around the world.  If you'd like to learn how to show your support, visit our donations page.  Even if you aren't able to make a contribution, we very much appreciate when people are able to share our posts or our website link on social media, to help spread the word about the work that we're doing!

To learn more about the various species that we plant, visit the conifers page or the deciduous (hardwoods) page on our website.  Thanks so much for your interest!

Incidentally, our organization is often seeking additional land for our carbon capture projects.  Please visit this link if you might know of a recently-harvested property that we could rebuild into a permanent legacy forest.





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